A concept originated by Sarah Magness in 2017, the Palm Beach Atelier is a collection of exceptional talents in the interior design industry. Each participating firm brings not only their intellect to the atelier but fine craftsmanship and the technologies that are integrated into their production of goods.
Located in the historic Paramount Building, the space encompasses 200 square feet with an outdoor terrace overlooking North County Road in Palm Beach, making for a jewel box among the palm trees. A showcase of craftsmanship inspired by old-world artisan tradition, the atelier is curated as a living space by Magness which fosters inspiration and thoughtful discussion. Highlighted by invitation-only events and lectures, fomenting creativity, intellectual curiosity, and connectivity among individuals are of the atelier's key values.
"This is truly the sense of what an atelier would have been one hundred years ago; we are replicating the traditional methodology of how clients would be introduced to amazing talent from around the world.”
Sarah Magness
Atelier Founder and Principal of Studio Magness
In the atelier’s first incarnation, Magness transformed a residential library in the heart of Paris into a bespoke oasis. In collaboration with esteemed French artist and sculptor, Louis Cane, bespoke rug company, Sacco, and London lighting designer, Cameron, the exquisite room quickly came to life, exuding true elegance and luxury.